Odlin County Park

Select Your Check-in & Check-out Dates on the calendar. Reservations are not available for arrivals more than 90 days in advance or within three (3) days of your check-in date. Large groups can be accommodated in a special group camping area. See "Group Camping" in the blue window below for further details.

Reservations are currently unavailable. All campsites are first-come, first-serve at this time.

Camping reservations at Odlin County Park are limited to 14 nights and one campsite per reservation.

You can click here to check on general availability at this park.

Arriving late? Please review our no-show policy.

Group Camping for All Parks Read this information before reserving a site online.

Visiting by Ferry? Vehicle reservations will save time and ensure your place on the Ferry as there are limited spaces available for drive up customers without reservations. If you don't have a reservation you may wait multiple sailings for a space during busy periods.

You may also elect to leave your vehicle at the Anacortes Ferry Terminal and cycle or walk onto the ferry. Taxi & transit companies are available for transportation to Odlin County Park.

Washington State Ferries: Call Center hours are 7:00 am until 6:45 pm daily. Statewide call 1-888-808-7977, and outside Washington call 206-464-6400.

San Juan County time is: 7:30 AM on Friday, February 21